SNP Disabled Members Conference, Glasgow, 30th January 2016.

On 30th January, I am attending the first ever SNP Conference for party members with disabilities, which is being held at the Crowne Plaza, Glasgow. Iā€™m so pleased to see the SNP taking the lead on this, and I sincerely hope all the other Parties sit up and take notice. I am going with my wonderful husband, (who is a member of many years standing, unlike his green-stick wife); and I am so excited to be spending the day with him in such a setting, knowing that he has faithfully supported and successfully advocated for the rights of disabled people for many years.

Yellow rose 2

I am co-presenting a warm-up session with the wonderful Michael McEwan, journalist extraordinaire.

Iā€™m looking forward to a fantastic day, meeting friends, campaigners and decision-makers from all walks of life and parts of the country. I am very grateful to the organisers, in particular Jamie Szykoviak and Peter Murrell for offering such a valuable opportunity to us all.

There are a few places available, if you would like to attend what promises to be a wonderful day. You can find more information about the day at this link




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