I am truly sorry for my long silence over the last months: in my blog pages, I have written on many subjects as they concern me, to do with life, love, occupation, authorship, editing and publishing, that I struggle to think of anything new or original to add; besides which, the subjects that currently concern me so deeply, concern others more deeply; and in this way and that, I am silenced.
It has been my privilege to have and maintain blog pages in which I have written short stories and flash fiction, as well as collecting together short pieces of reflection and comment on all subjects closest to my heart: the trials of love and domesticity, parenthood and parental co-operation, what it means to be a good neighbour, a fair writer, an honest woman, a commentator on life as I have lived it, what it means to navigate a world that, even now, is only partially adjusted to the needs of those of us who will never quite fit, though we work very hard to give every appearance of succeeding.
The charm of life, as well as its pitfalls and challenges, affects us all differently, seemingly at random, but always in such as way as produces plenty of food for thought. I hope you have enjoyed reading my pieces as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I feel immensely blessed to have met and got to know so many kind, faithful and thoughtful friends. Thank you for your faith in me over such a long period of time; I could not have done any of this, nor persevered for so long, without your encouragement.
If anything does occur to me, I shall certainly be returning to write about it. Meantime, thank you all, so much, for your many kindnesses, and for reading.
Please share:
June 16, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
I’ve enjoyed your classy blog but I know how time consuming they can be. Nothing wrong with popping in now and then with a bit of starry news so I’ll be looking forward to that. Take care and I’ll see you hither and yon xx
June 16, 2024 @ 5:05 pm
Dear Diane,
Thank you so much (!!) for popping in and commenting. So lovely to have your perspective, which I do appreciate. Yes, if I have starry news, I will certainly be adding it here; I always enjoy and love to share good tidings, from wherever they come. Meantime, all the best with everything. Xxx
June 16, 2024 @ 6:38 pm
Iโm glad youโre effectively saying โnever say neverโ. Bravo!! Write as and when you wish dear friend. No pressure. Your friend always. Jxx
June 17, 2024 @ 10:08 am
Hello dear Jane,
Thank you so much for reading and commenting: I’m happy to never say never, because life has a habit of offering surprises and I live in hope! Thank you so much for your support and kindness, which I appreciate very much. Bless you! Xxx
June 16, 2024 @ 8:08 pm
Hi Fran, I don’t know how I didn’t get notifications about your blog before now!!! I see I shall have plenty back episodes to delve into though. I have always valued your comments and insights when we’ve been fortunate to meet – let’s hope we can mange it again in the not too distant future. M x
June 17, 2024 @ 10:10 am
Dear Margaret,
Perhaps you have not been getting notifications, because I have not been blogging…! You are very kind to read and comment, thank you. Yes, let’s meet up again before too long. (These long summer evenings make travel easier.) Bless you.
June 16, 2024 @ 8:53 pm
Hi Fran
I was thrilled to see your blog again. I have been in and out of the hospital since January until finally the culprit to blame for all my pain was a broken hip which had gone undiagnosed, the reason thus far unexplained. I had to give up my precious dog and my home through all this nightmare but I am now settled in to a nice apartment in the senior community and my precious pup is happy living with my son and his family. Hope to catch up on my reading and writing once I have sorted through all the boxes. Going from a five bedroom home to a four room apartment is quite a jolt. Glad you are well and still writing. Hopefully we will soon all be free to write about our real feelings about our government and the world around us for which we must suffer for the time being. Take care, Sandra Joy Eastman
June 17, 2024 @ 10:17 am
Hi Sandra!
So good to hear from you. ๐ Perhaps all our changes are for the best, though moving because of pain, and all the worry that brings, must be very difficult to get used to. I hope you soon feel settled and can get back to writing and doing what you enjoy. All the best, and many blessings winging their way across the water to you. ((xxx))
June 24, 2024 @ 10:35 pm
Hi Fran
My recovery is coming along quite well even through the regrets and difficult choices. Unpacking has been an experience Iโd like soon to forget but am taking one day at a time in awe of all the things I accumulated these past 50 plus years. Hope this finds you well.
Regards Sandy Eastman
July 8, 2024 @ 1:23 pm
“Regrets, I’ve had a few…” Yes indeedy. I do hope, sincerely, that the unpacking gets easier and you feel better for having dealt with it. Much love! ๐
June 17, 2024 @ 7:02 pm
Oh Fran, I have missed your musings on this blog, as it was here I always felt the real you, rather than the fleeting thoughts and comments on FB. Please keep writing, even if your thoughts are only random. You express yourself so beautifully, we will be the poorer if you no longer maintain this blog.
June 18, 2024 @ 5:19 pm
Dear Val,
Thank you so much, for everything. You have been a most faithful friend through the years. I will write if there is reason to: it’s simply that these days, I can hardly say I ‘blog regularly’. I would love very much to get to a place where I could do so again. And, as you know, I always look for miracles. ๐ Bless you, always.
December 12, 2024 @ 8:57 pm
Dear Fran, this is just a quick note to ask how you are. I hope you’re in a better place now, and, of course, I would love to see you blogging again, but that I know is up to you. I just miss you here and hate to lose touch, so I’m ‘reaching out’ as everyone is saying these days (I hate the way it’s used mostly, but this time, I think it’s apt!).
December 14, 2024 @ 5:21 pm
Dear Val,
Thank you so much for your message – we are very well, thank you, and looking forward to Christmas and New Year 2025. I do hope it is a good year for us all, filled with positive opportunities and happiness. I never say never, and there may come a time when I do get back to blogging; we shall see, and when and if I do, I’ll certainly reach out to you. ๐ Bless you! xx
July 8, 2024 @ 11:57 am
Dear Fran,
You know how much I appreciate our toing and froing and although there will be gaps I do hope you won’t just fade away. If you did I would miss you as a friend more than as a fellow blogger.
July 8, 2024 @ 1:26 pm
Hello John,
I never know what each day will bring, and so, I live in hope! ๐ Perhaps one day I will find a way forward, lots of new things to write about – anything, really, that doesn’t sound like a complaint or as if I am feeling sorry for myself, which I am not – and fresh energy for that. Here’s hoping. Meantime, your kindness and friendship mean a lot to me – Bless you!