Keep old diaries
Having got my plot lines more or less in order, I turn my attention to the vexed question of times of year.
Inescapably, whenever I am writing, I gaze out of the window next to my desk for inspiration, and my stories take on the timbre and feel of that season. If I see daffodils, I think of spring, if the room is baking hot and I can hear children playing tennis outside, it’s got to be summer, when the leaves are everywhere, my thoughts drift to autumn, and if there is snow on the ground, my plot will invariably feature a cave bear coming out of hibernation.
But that won’t do, for writing longer narratives. I first met my latest MC, Lisa, when she was reading a magazine (which featured a holly and berry motif on the cover) in March. So, planted in March, there Lisa has to stay, even though my year moves on – and they do move forward with startling rapidity, these days. A host of details depends on staying faithful to the original intention. So, if when I next visit Lisa, I am thinking of the long vacation, I have to remember to go back to where I planted her in early Spring and she is faithfully waiting for me.
I could of course, move the original planting forward, to Summer, where Lisa will doubtless be warmer and recovering from her SAD. But that is cheating, and raises the spectre that I would continue to move her as the novel progresses, a wobbly notion that lacks conviction. I have decided that however inconvenient to me, I mean to go on as I start, and leave the beginning alone. Of course Lisa can move forward, and often does, thankfully. I don’t expect the entire narrative to be concluded in a single season….
My solution? I found an old diary which I have been filling with Lisa’s dates and appointments. It works well, both to anchor the time of year, and to make Lisa and all the other characters more real to me. So now, as well as having my own life and running the diaries of our family, I run the diaries of my fictional characters.
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January 26, 2016
One parenthesis or two?
Fran Macilvey Path To Publication, The Rights & Wrongs of Writing 4 Comments
“Good book, vicar? Would you like a parenthesis with that?”
Writing books has more than a few pitfalls. For example, which formatting do we use the more traditional, indented paragraph and dialogue lines, or a more modern straight block paragraph with no indents? Do we opt for traditional speech marks, “like these” or more modern parentheses, ‘like these’?
For my money, I’m rather traditional, so despite the extra stretch that it takes on the keyboard to get up to “ I prefer that, and opt for that as often as I remember to. (Though if traditionalists would like us to continue doing so, it might be a good idea to re-design the keyboard so that “ is more conveniently placed. You’ll see that ‘(single parenthesis) is in exactly the right place, and unlike “ does not require us to use the SHIFT key.
I am assuming that traditionalists who use “ ” will also use paragraph indents for dialogue, which I do think looks better, but can feel a bit arbitrary. When do we use paragraph indents, and when do we allow a paragraph to continue? In many cases, it seems to boil down to what looks good, which is fine, but not exactly good teaching. (“Just do what looks good, kids, and you’ll be fine….!”)
One thing is certain. I must not mix and match, or my characters’ lives can get very confusing, and the editor will be most annoyed. At the moment I am writing two books, in both of which I started out using different conventions, though I have now put both books into traditional format. Thinking about what is right or wrong is sometimes so confusing, I retreat to my usual line, that as long as I am consistent and clear, it doesn’t matter as much as I think it does, which is probably true.
Thanks for reading.
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