Its Complicated
Having finally managed to get downstairs with a rucksack full of stuff for the second-hand store, and brought with me a walking stick and a waste bin which needed emptying, I reached the car and realised I had left my handbag – with car key – upstairs. So up again I went, only to be delayed by a phone-call while I was there.
My journey home was no less perplexing, with three walking sticks now in my car – which is the single, and which two are the pair? – as well as the empty bin, my rucksack and various other things. On the return leg, I forgot to bring the waste bin upstairs and so went down again to collect it sans walking stick. That small choice, for that small journey was a little fraught. Having recently hurt my back – how, I have no idea – walking without an aid outdoors is now more intimidating.

Thinking back on over the twenty-plus years of living here, I wonder, when and how did life get so complicated: two sets of elbow crutches, both different – a pair that fits in the boot of the car and another pair that are just fractionally too long and so repose on the back seat – a handbag, rucksack, shopping bags, waste and recycling… Everything takes a great deal longer than it used to, and each time I venture outside and downstairs I have to wonder, “Do I have everything? House keys – check! Handbag – check! Car key – check! Walking sticks – check! Phone – check!” Will I be able to manage everything with two elbow crutches? Or would it be better to manage in two or three trips up and down the stairs? Is my phone charged? Are my house keys in the trouser pocket with no hole? Which pocket is that?
If you are amused, I am glad, and I agree, the palaver is fairly comical. But it can also be a little tiring and frustrating. I find that, instead of trying always to do things quickly – to “keep up” – it becomes easier to slow down and enjoy every moment, perhaps seeing it differently. How glad I am, still to be able to mobilise, after all.
Thanks for reading
Please share:
March 29, 2023 @ 10:07 am
Watching my dad in his latter years struggling round the house with one elbow crutch and any outsideness with two I do sympathise. It must be a real bugger when you get to the car and have no keys – can you train them to come when you whistle – just a thought!! Love and thoughts as always. dd
March 29, 2023 @ 10:51 am
YAY! Imagine, in response to my whistled summons, my key come waltzing down the path. Wonderful! Part of the answer, I suspect, is in learning to accept that slowing down is necessary, and that I will find the time to do what I need to, so long as I can resist the urge to plunge headlong into everything. Discernment of what is required takes on a whole new meaning.
Love and hugs to you, too. Bless you!
March 29, 2023 @ 10:24 pm
Dear Fran
I love the way you write and describe things.
Thinking of you as I did the Back Massage this morning, and how important awareness of the IT Band is for those of us with CP.
Sending you best wishes from NZ.
March 30, 2023 @ 10:32 am
Dear Karen,
Thank you so much for writing! I looked up the IT band this morning, learned something new. I’m so glad you get massage, and I’m sure it helps in lots of ways. (I need more exercise…!) Bless you! 😀 xx