My plans for 2017

Last year was in so many ways such a memorable, challenging and often heart-breaking year.

Now, after the enthusiasm for new beginnings that follow New Year celebrations, I find myself lifting the blinds in the bright morning light of 2017 with a peculiar blend of emotions – relief, trepidation: who apart from another broken-up far eastern guy trying to get into my computer system, will be phoning? What will the news be?  Good?  I sincerely hope so.

Plans for any year are often dictated by other people’s timetables: when daughter is off school, when hubby can take time off.  Even so, I am planning to visit the London Book Fair in March for a couple of days and I’m taking some of my recent material with me.

I plan also to finish my second book in the ‘Lisa Somerville’ series, and make more headway with book three.  I’d like to meet up with lots of like-minded people: authors, writers, campaigners…. I shall be travelling as often as time allows.  Whatever surprises there may be, I am very pleased to have travelled this far.  Long may the adventure continue.

My friend, the lovely Carol Graham is promoting our interview on her blog ‘Never Ever Give Up Hope’ (which is what I intend to do).  You can also also hear us chatting on apple i-tunes (number 83) and there is also a stitcher podcast.

Thank you Carol, so much, for all your enthusiasm and encouragement.

And thanks to you for reading.

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