'Girl Reading' Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot
‘Girl Reading’ Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot


Books, in one form or another, have been lent and borrowed for thousands of years. In the modern age, when kindles are all the rage, we cannot swap electronic devices so easily, when we wish to share our discoveries. ‘Real’ books remind us of the joy of sharing and engaging with others as we discover new reads. Books are made to be shared.

In the run-up to World Book Day on Thursday, 5th March, Capability Scotland are running the Great Scottish Book Off, inviting us all to dig out a few books we have read, and arrange a book swap event with our friends. The idea is to organise a get-together, charge a modest admission, and then pass any funds raised to Capability Scotland.

I am delighted to announce that on the evening of 5th March from 6.30 – 7.30 pm at Blackwells Bookstore, 53-62 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1YS. I will be giving a reading from Trapped and answering questions. Please join us if you can.

I am very grateful to Capability for inviting me to contribute to their fundraising campaign, and I am looking forward to a lively and friendly event.


"Narciso (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), Jardín Botánico, Múnich, Alemania 2012-04-21, DD 01" by Poco a poco - Own work.
“Narciso (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), Jardín Botánico, Múnich, Alemania 2012-04-21, DD 01” by Poco a poco – Own work.

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