Claire Wingfield Interviews Fran Macilvey
I am delighted that today, writer and editor, Claire Wingfield, interviews me about the process of writing and publishing my book, ‘Trapped: My Life With Cerebral Palsy’.
Claire is one of my mentors, instrumental both in motivating me to continue writing, and in helping to edit the manuscript so that firstly, it was more readable, and secondly, that so it didn’t end up telling lots of stories about other people. In this blog I have touched on the difficulty of writing memoir and, while endeavouring to be as truthful as possible, not treading on other people’s toes.
Her honest feedback also motivated me to keep going with the quest to find a publisher. It may have taken a few years, but it has been worth it! Claire has written ‘Fifty Two Dates For Writers’ to keep writers motivated.
Thank you, Claire, for being such an inspirational friend and a thoughtful critic.
You can find Claire’s interview, ‘Writing One’s Life’ on her blog today. Anyone who ‘likes’ this interview has the chance to win a copy of my book.

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September 29, 2014
Claire Wingfield interviews Fran Macilvey
Fran Macilvey 'Trapped: My Life With Cerebral Palsy' by Fran Macilvey, books, choices, Claire Wingfield, communication, editing, interview, learning, letting go, optimism, patience, publication, writing 'Trapped: My Life with Cerebral Palsy', Fran Macilvey, Interviews With Authors, Memoir, Path To Publication 1 Comment
Claire Wingfield Interviews Fran Macilvey
I am delighted that today, writer and editor, Claire Wingfield, interviews me about the process of writing and publishing my book, ‘Trapped: My Life With Cerebral Palsy’.
Claire is one of my mentors, instrumental both in motivating me to continue writing, and in helping to edit the manuscript so that firstly, it was more readable, and secondly, that so it didn’t end up telling lots of stories about other people. In this blog I have touched on the difficulty of writing memoir and, while endeavouring to be as truthful as possible, not treading on other people’s toes.
Her honest feedback also motivated me to keep going with the quest to find a publisher. It may have taken a few years, but it has been worth it! Claire has written ‘Fifty Two Dates For Writers’ to keep writers motivated.
Thank you, Claire, for being such an inspirational friend and a thoughtful critic.
You can find Claire’s interview, ‘Writing One’s Life’ on her blog today. Anyone who ‘likes’ this interview has the chance to win a copy of my book.
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