Happiness Workshops

Happiness is one of these life qualities – a life skill? – that eluded me for many years.

It is only with the gradual dawning of my writing career, which started so quietly in June 2007, that I started to really look at what happiness is, what is can be, and how we can all have more of it. I don’t suppose we can have it all the time. If we did, we probably would not be able to see it. But even so, happiness matters. It is important – it imports into our lives meaning, purpose and lots of unexpected outcomes that sadness or worry simply keep at arms length.

Taking the themes I explore in my book, Happiness Matters, I’m writing a series of Happiness Workshops which I can tailor to any particular questions, time frame or hope. I don’t claim to have all the answers or access to particular wisdom – far from it – but there are times when sharing the problems we encounter, we can see in them hopes that may so far have been elusive.

I gain great help and hope in the process of writing, in the insights I discover from quietly asking questions and waiting for answers to percolate. Increasingly, I trust that process to unfold easily what I need to know for the next little while. It has been the work of years, decades even, and there have been some stonking great challenges on the way, but that is all part of the mosaic of living.

I would be happy to hear from anyone wondering if my workshops might work for them.

Email me here or contact me on Facebook or at franmacilvey@fastmail.fm

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