Cooking up a fantasy
Instead of the purveyors of entertainment cooking up a fantasy, I would love to see real cookery shows. Not competitions timed against the clock, but everyone pitching in and doing things together, learning how hard it is to make a thing look effortless, without fancy camera work. It’s time for the single-super-person / super-mum role model to be dismantled in favour of a communal, inter-personal approach to cookery that acknowledges a more realistic perspective.
I know people who drink while they cook, but rarely at any other time. Might that suggest that the cooking – the expectation of it, its relentless necessity – is the trigger? Gregarious individuals who only want company and who, instead, are dragooned yet again into a solitary kitchen filled with labour saving mod cons and who would give anything for a night off?

If Nadiya and Mary and Delia really want to inspire us they can stop pedalling the impossible mythology of cooking with all its contradictions:-
~ Though s/he is emancipated, s/he cooks, nay, enjoys cooking all the time, alone.
~ Because s/he is pleasing other people, cook is therefore fulfilled and happy
~ This is the way it has always been and will always be.
~ By cooking, the cook encourages sociability in others, though cook is solitary and would really love to have some help. Not to have to ask for it, just to receive it as a matter of care and courtesy.
~ You may be cook alone, but if your food is delicious – and note, if you will, the implied threat in that – you will always attract friends. None of whom will venture into your kitchen to help. But admiration is reward enough.
All I can say is, how 1950s. Viva la revolucion!
Thank you so much for listening.
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September 2, 2019 @ 9:27 am
Ha – interesting and so very very true. it is fun to cook for the family and watch them enjoy the meal you present but yes equally it is frustrating to hear the laughter and the chink of glasses while you stir and mash and baste. We have solved one issue by making a barbecue pit that is big enough to cook a whole meal instead of just the bits the men are tasked with flipping. I didn’t see anything behind the fact that my son bought me a cauldron to use on it – hubble bubble hubble – 🙂
September 2, 2019 @ 12:49 pm
Hee Hee! If I were entirely free to cook what, and when I wished, I guess that would be different. But timetables being what they are, that is so often a luxury. What would I cook in my cauldron, besides soup and haunches of boiled game? 😉 Jam, maybe, in October before it got cold… Thanks for visiting and commenting, Diane! 😀